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    Manual of I.V. Therapeutics :4th Ed

    General Practitioner
    General Practitioner
    عضوا دائم
    عضوا دائم

    عدد المساهمات : 291
    تاريخ التسجيل : 26/10/2009

    Manual of I.V. Therapeutics :4th Ed Empty Manual of I.V. Therapeutics :4th Ed

    مُساهمة من طرف General Practitioner 17/11/09, 09:08 pm

    Manual of I.V. Therapeutics :4th Ed Manual%2Bof%2Biv%2Btherapeutics

    Designed as a self-paced textbook, this guide for nurses covers the principles of I.V. therapeutics in a variety of settings, including acute, home care, clinic, and extended care units. Topics include, for example, infection control practices, techniques for peripheral infusion therapy, the special needs of geriatric patients, and nutritional support. This book marks an excellent resource for beginning IV Therapeutics. It has easy-to-follow illustrations and simple calculations that are easily understood. The only downfall is the length of the text. I found the worksheets bound within certain chapters to be exceptionally helpful.

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو 26/04/24, 10:52 pm